DATE:22 May, 2020


The Citation Latitude is Cessna’s latest addition to the Citation family of executive jets. It seats up to nine passengers and cruises at a speed of 442 knots. Cessna’s design of the Latitude focused mainly on cabin comfort and style.

About Citation Latitude

The Citation Latitude is Cessna’s latest addition to the Citation family of executive jets. It seats up to nine passengers and cruises at a speed of 442 knots.


Cessna’s design of the Latitude focused mainly on cabin comfort and style. Concessions were made in terms of range and speed, as the Latitude is near the bottom in both categories for a super-mid-sized jet.


The Cessna Latitude features improved runway performance, 25% larger windows, and Clairity™ cabin management system.

Performance Specifications (CE-680A)

Cruise Speed:  442 knots

Range:  3,280 miles

Cabin Specifications (CE-680A)

Passengers:  8 to 9

Cabin Volume:  620 cubic ft.

Cabin Height:  6 ft.

Cabin Width:  6.4 ft.

Cabin Length:  21.8 ft.

Luggage:  100 cubic ft.
